





Most Popular Songs:

Best Performances:

Notable Achievements:

Intelligent Music Project represented Bulgaria at the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 with their song "Intention."

Intelligent Music Project, a supergroup was founded by Milen Vrabevski, medical doctor, Bulgarian businessman, philanthropist and patron of the arts. Dr. Vrabevski is the creator, producer and author of all lyrics and songs of Intelligent Music Project.


Over the years, the band’s albums feature some of the most remarkable rock musicians in the world – Simon Phillips (TOTO / Protocol), John Lawton (Uriah Heep, Lucifer’s friend), Joseph Williams (TOTO), John Payne (Asia), Carl Sentance (Nazareth), Bobby Rondinelli (Rainbow, Black Sabbath), Todd Sucherman (Styx), Nathan East (Eric Clapton, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, TOTO and more), Tim Pierce (Joe Cocker, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins and more), Richard Grisman (River Hounds) and others. The current lead singer of Intelligent Music Project is Chilean rock vocalist Ronnie Romero (Rainbow).


They released 6 albums and they will release their 7th album “Unconditioned” in 2022.  The ambition of Intelligent Music label is to promote the Bulgarian cultural heritage, contemporary music and performing arts throughout the world by creating an unique musical product featuring performers of international authority and fame.

Rider List






Sound system / console

A high quality 3-way or 4-way sound system sufficient to cover the whole venue with a balanced sound. Must be able to produce 105dBA and 113dBC of undistorted sound. However this does not mean we will play at this constant level.

Prefered consoles are:Yamaha CL/QL series, Allen & Heath GLD,AVID SC48 We will supply you with a showfile in advance. Please do not put the desk on a riser, under a balcony or in a corner. Inform us in advance if one of these cannot be provided.

In smaller venues where one of the above consoles cannot be provided and monitors are done from FOH, we will bring our own Behringer X Air 18. It’s a small digital desk, so please provide an appropriate place for it so we will be able to patch into your system and mon amps! ***

01.1 One english speaking in-house engineer who is sober, familiar with the venue and able to patch/help with soundcheck and the performance, with a smile! :)
This person MUST be available from load in to end of the show !


Sound limitations

Please keep us informed on the decibel limitations. A limitation of 98dBA over 60min, 100dBA over 15min and 109dBC over 60min are a minimum. We need to know in advance if this is not possible!



Please provide 8 identical wedges (monitors) +3 in ears MINIMUM requirement Shure PSM300 or equivalent on 11 Sends (pre fader:)***
We do not travel with a monitor engineer so we rely on your capable hands & ears.



The Promoter shall ensure that the PA is set up and ready for soundcheck on the IMP‟s arrival.
IMP will require a minimum of two (2) hours in which to soundcheck and the following shall apply during such time:

No audience shall be allowed to enter the place of performance until such check has been completed
according to IMP’s specification.

A: The house electrician will be present for the entire duration of the soundcheck/rehearsal/light focus.

B: The Promoter shall ensure that the stage and auditorium are heated to a reasonable temperature in preparation for load-in and soundcheck.

C: There will be no restriction on noise levels during soundcheck.




1 Kick/Short mic stand — B52a
2 Snr Top/Short Mic stand — SM57 or Sen 604
3 Bott/Short mic stand — SM57 or Sen 604
4 Tom 1 — Sen 604
5 Tom 2 — Sen 604
6 Tom 3 — Sen 604
7 FTom — Sen 604
8 FTom II — our own mic
9 Ride/Tall mic stand — SM81
10 HH/Tall mic Stand — SM81
11 OH/Tall mic Stand — SR SM81
12 OH/Tall mic Stand — SL SM81
13 Bass/Tall Mic Stand — DI BSS
14 GTR — only XLR needed
15 Key L Ivo SR — only XLR needed Stage Right
16 Key R Ivo SR — only XLR needed Stage Right
17 Key L Samy SL/Tall Mic Stand — DI needed Stage Left
18 Key R Samy SL — DI needed Stage Left
19 ACC Gtr SR Boby — DI BSS
20 ACC Gtr SC — DI BSS
21 VOC Slavin SR Shure SLXD4 SM58/Tall Mic stand
22 VOC Lina SR Shure SLXD4 SM58/Tall Mic Stand
23 VOC Boby SC Shure SLXD4 SM58/Tall Mic Stand +Tall mic Stand
24 VOC Ronnie SC Shure axient SM 58/3 legged Straight mic stand!!! NO BOOM!
25 Intro Music L DI If Needed
26 Intro Music R DI if needed VG position

27 House Music before show
28 House Music before show
29 Spare MIC Shure SLXD 4 SM58



A good, full and fully functional drum set!

Drum Carpet
Kick Drum 20

Toms : 10, 12, 13
Floor Toms: 14, 16
6 x Cymbal Stands
1 x HH Stand
1 x Drum Chair
Drummer will bring his own drum pedal and Cymbals!!!


Keyboards :

01 x Nord Electro 6 piano keyboard 01 x Keyboard Stands!


Bass guitar

Yamaha 5-string – active or Warwick 5-string – active (high class instrument) 1 x microphone stand
1×10 m. Cable


AUTOCUE Centre Stage

39-43 inch TV screen with cover

15-20 m. HDMI cable to SL or SR



Intelligent Music Project will not be touring with an Light Director. The Promoter agrees to supply to
a competent Light Director for the duration of the engagement. Available from Load-In until Load-Out.